Art Credit: Marie Dashkova
“We chose this song because we feel it best fits the vibe for abstractmagtv: gorgeous and unexpected. That’s what we are going for, too. This song intentionally has an unconventional structure and swings.”
Stanley Thiele, for mybluesweden
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About the Artists:
mybluesweden is a collaboration between three musicians from Minneapolis/St Paul Minnesota. Although we perform different roles (one of our members is part time) everything is done by us: writing, arranging, engineering producing and all recording performances. Each of us has a connection to Sweden by blood or birth or both. All of our work is done under joint credit. This is a side-project for everyone concerned, which is not to say we don’t take it seriously. Two of our members are full time professional musicians, one is not.
Our material is meant to have ambient value. It has Rock-like features but is post-rock. We call it “Modern Mature.” No political lectures in our music.
We challenge our listeners to accept less contextual information that helps them interpret or validate music. Enjoy it for what it is! If you like it or want to contact us you can reach us at”
Stanley Thiele, for mybluesweden
Art Credit: Marie Dashkova.
In the artist’s words:
“My name is Marie Dashkova, I am 25, I was born in Moscow, Russia and now I live here. I started to be interested in photography at the age of 12, when I was studying photoshop to create avatars and images for sites, so I decided to make selfies using old Sony videocamera, that had photo options. I was inspired a lot, it became my hobby, now I could use not only images from internet and photos by different artists, but create something by myself.
Soon my friends started to ask me how I am doing this, my schoolmates sometimes were using my pics without having idea, that it is me and I am the author. I created a team with two friends of mine in 2007 – we started to do noncommercial photoshoots, it was a beginning of the long way. All of them are still in this industry, very successful and well known.
I started from the very beginning in 2015, having my own equipment, putting more attention to settings, to composition and post production. The industry and tastes of society have changed a lot since 2006, the amount of the content increased, now it is essential to be well known via social media, because otherwise you will be unnoticed and nobody will see your works.
I am self-taught, but there are artists who gave me knowledge and experience, and to whom I will be always grateful to – Andrey Rossalev, Nastasya Parshina and Dmitry Rogozkin. Also I am following the art of Margarita Kareva, she has a lot of online broadcasts with very useful information. There is a lot of things around you that can inspire to create, many topics in the ancient art, renaissance, myths and fairytales. Beauty is everywhere around us and inside us.
The main thing in photography – to know how to find the best light, be careful to the background, to find contact with people and have a quick eye. You need to catch the moment because it can never repeat again. Self-criticism is the best way to improve and to not stop doing it.