Art Credit: “Sydney, June 2016” by Rizwan Ali


I travel to the ashram to visit with those teachers and friends whose voices or silences leave me refreshed. As we walk down to the river for sun worship, some talk about their lives and loves, others about their work and families. I walk along in their clogs, moccasins, boots, shoes or sandals, but within I’m an aimless barefoot nobody just collecting brown edged leaves which glow gold and copper within or stones which when under water reflect the sky . . .

Priority package –
last year’s seed catalogue
still unopened



1) Apraihita (Aimlessness or uncommittedness or “wishlessness”) is a form of concentration associated with the teachings of Thích Nhất Hạnh, The term apraihita literally means ‘to place nothing in front’ and is used to designate someone who has no aims for the future and no desire for the objects of perception.

2) First published in Contemporary Haibun Online Vol. 12 no. 2 (July 2016).


About the author:

Dr. Ms Angelee Deodhar, an eye surgeon by profession, a haiku poet, translator, and artist lives and works in Chandigarh, India. Her haiku, haibun and haiga have been published internationally in various books and journals, and her work can be viewed online, too. To promote haiku in India, she translated six books of haiku from English to Hindi.

She is editor of the Journeys series (Journeys, Journeys 2015 and Journeys 2017). Journeys 2017, the third anthology of international haibun, has just been released on Amazon.

Journeys 2017 –

Journeys 2015 –

Art Credit: “Sydney, June 2016” by Rizwan Ali, American Photographer based in Belgium. @rizwan.on.mars on IG