Art: Foam by Çağrı Yılmaz@resifdesign



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Thylias Moss Poetry is connected to the body, part of my fingertips, just as blue as anything that ever was or will be blue– –blue that dye aspires to, true blue denied to any sapphire, Logan sapphire included, even if she wears some on thsoe blue fingers, blue spread,s consumes her as if she hatched from an Araucana egg. SHE IS BLUE, fingers, bluest hands ever, shoulders, breasts, every nook and cranny blue, big bad wolf says: how blue you are!


About the author: 

Thylias Moss, a self-employed multi-racial “maker”  Thylias Moss Writing LLC, is also Professor Emerita in the Departments of English and Art & Design at the University of Michigan.
Author of 13 published books, and recipient of numerous awards and honors, among them a MacArthur Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Fellowship, and many other awards, including several Pushcart Prizes, and multiple appearances in the “Best American Poetry” series  and is even  included in in the “Best of the Best American Poetry” series, all of this part of her approach to making stuff known as  Limited Fork Theory an approach to making and thinking developed in order to assist co-makers and co-learners to become more collaborative in thinking and being. All about how things interact across all boundaries, and encouragement of interaction that becomes more meaningful over time; all have collaborators. Nothing makes alone, and everything makes; there is nothing that exists that does not make stuff in some form, which is also open: any form that becomes possible; invent whenever necessary. “Making” is not static, is evidence of life.
She has completed with her primary collaborator, himself a poet, spoken word artist Mr. Bob Holman, with whom  she is in a meld, as he said to her, “The Fire will meld us together”, and this poem “Crepe Paper, Golden Coach Tether system” contains  that  precious  word “meld” that defines their Love connection,  and is actually a poem from an as yet unfinished collection of poems about his hat,  a Golden Coach, as it says on the silken lining.   She often wears his  hat.   She is working on a number of collaborations after her next collection of poetry Shawsheen Memorial Broom Society.

Art: Foam by photographer Çağrı Yılmaz, Istanbul, @resifdesign