Art: Dropletts by Marie McCloskey
About the author:
Anastasia Jill (Anna Keeler) is a queer poet and fiction writer living in the southern United States. She is a current editor for the Smaeralit Anthology. Her work has been published or is upcoming with, Cleaver Magazine, FIVE:2:ONE, Ambit Magazine, Drunk Monkeys, Hawai’i Pacific Review, The Laurel Review: Fearsome Critters, and more.
Art: Dropletts by Marie McCloskey
In the artist’s words:
Marie McCloskey found her world filled with color when she took a painting class in high school. Unable to recreate the Boss Ross style pictures that her teacher pushed, she developed her own style. Often tossing her paint brush to create images using foods and inanimate objects, she has created wild images with cookies, candies, bottles, and cans. Her work has been features by: The Friends in Action Charity Art Auction, The Old Orchard Art Gallery, The Soulard Art Gallery, The Starving Canvas, and Scifaikuest.