How we’ve come to clutch
Samantha’s digitized mind
calibrating through quantitative sweeps
the CEO-ready of childhood development.
Back in the last castration outbreak,
they enhanced her love output
by inserting a neurological rose
capable of soothing
Class One Play Conflicts
before orchestrating
a pattern recognition lesson plan.
Her machine-sculpted frame
bends down to Paul’s autistic sightline:
the programming code plucks
Samantha’s verbal automation
from a forest of positive reinforcement
over black and blue paint.
When Paul closes his eyes,
he might just believe
that a woman of human birth
speaks where education is funneled
into his gelatinous sponge.
As his pupils welcome
the classroom light, the hominid skin
before him stretches like a tape worm
over her metal heart.
For Bore Paris it’s the kind of place that offers the right combination of inspiration and pain and suffering and success to keep him stimulated and painting.
Bore wants to experiment how far he can push reality to the other side where the “real” is still recognizable, but becoming totally abstract, building that tension until they are just one and the same.