Art: Cyril Larvor,  @cyrillarvor_blackbird


My father wears wrinkles on his face

as though they’ve never been anything

other than parched but untilled

soil with less rainfall each year

of one continuous season of an unforgiven

drought with Spring always the lost

season; like a loop of late summer’s

needle bumping vinyl each time

rock-a-billy song gets to the end

45 with its cover sleeve that’s been lost

since he wore his Wool Letterman

About the author:

Damon Piletz is a gifted education teacher, professor and writer. Born and raised in New Hampshire. After a six year career in the criminal justice field, he decided it was time for a change and entered the elementary classroom. Equipped with a wide range of experiences, he uses them to teach students from kindergarten to college. Damon lives in rural, western New York with his wife and three children.

Art: Cyril Larvor@cyrillarvor_blackbird, Paris, France