Art: Lady of Paris by Adam De Ville


About the author:

Heikki Huotari is a retired professor of mathematics. In a past century, he attended a one-room country school and spent summers on a forest-fire lookout tower. His poems appear in numerous journals, recently in The Journal and The Penn Review, he’s the winner of the 2016 Gambling the Aisle chapbook contest. Forthcoming books will be published by Lynx House, Willow Springs and After The Pause.
Art: Lady of Paris by Adam De Ville
In the artist’s words:
My work explores the themes of displacement and belonging, character and scene, using mixed media. I explore and subvert traditional storytelling narratives of start, middle, end and set up, conflict, resolve. I like the viewer create their own journey with the work. My background includes drama: acting, devising and writing, which is currently fueling my artwork. 
 I have been a professional artist for three years, having sold across the UK and internationally, and showing at Store Street Gallery London, Lilford Gallery Canterbury, Flux international exhibition, Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Parallax fair London.