Art by Marie Dashkova


[su_row class=””] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]
lone juniper dark itself
spooked by scant light
carving the barely
gnarled trunk
thrusting upward
twisted into shape
like a forceful vector
harbors darknesses
clogs the night sky
meddling with the light
beside the snaking road
skirting the ancient trunk
despite winds and storms
a scree of clouds staggers
light split like a marble’s eye
like an eye uncertain
down the ribbon of road
the distance of inner darkness
still the tree
sure the moon
[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]
tucked into dark evening
beside a ribbon of road
lucent landscape
once a vector of force
now bent to ancient winds
the curved road
beneath a fragile moon
a scree of clouds
tossed by errant winds
that holds the tree in place
carving up the landscape
holding its place
harbors its own darkness
across the face of the moon
road circling wandering
what it sees or can see
curling off into the distance
no eye can determine
staunch the road
the sky the night

[/su_column] [/su_row]

About the author:
Cordelia Hanemann is currently a practicing writer and artist in Raleigh, NC. She has published in numerous journals including Turtle Island Quarterly, Connecticut River Review, and Laurel Review; anthologies, The Well-Versed Reader, Heron Clan IV and Kakalak 2017 and in her own chapbook, Through a Glass Darkly. Recently the featured poet for Negative Capability Press and The Alexandria Quarterly, she is now working on a first novel, about her roots in Cajun Louisiana.
Art: Photography by Marie Dashkova, @melodyphoto
In the artist’s words:
My name is Marie Dashkova; I am 25, and I was born in Moscow, Russia. I currently live here. I started to be interested in photography at the age of 12 when I was studying photo-shop to create avatars and images for sites, so I decided to make selfies using old Sony video-camera that had photo options. I was inspired a lot; it became my hobby; now I could use not only images from the internet and photos by different artists, but I could also create something by myself.
Here you can find me: