Art: Portal #9 by Ken Collins


I just got gone,

but now I’m back again,

though I’m in the process

of gettin’ gone from gone

and gettin’ on again.


I’m on a train of gettin’ gone,

but someone will have

me back again right when

I’ll be on gone and gone on goin’ on

again. On I’m gone and goin’ and


I’ll be gone again.

About the author:
Chris Schafale is currently a Literary Studies major at DePaul. He works for Chicago-based poet Barry Silesky, helping him compose and submit his poetry and nonfiction pieces as well as full length manuscripts (he is afflicted by MS and can no longer type on his own). He has also worked as an editorial intern for the literary magazine Slag Glass City. Though he’s never been published, both of these experiences have inspired him to start putting his own work out there.
Art: Portal #9 by Ken Collins
In the artist’s words: 
Professional photographer and artist in NYC. Work has been published in numerous magazines including; American Theater, New York Magazine, The New York Times, Artnews, Inc, Newsweek, Orion, Lenswork, etc. Umbrage Books published Ken’s award winning portrait series of American Playwrights titled In Their Company, Portraits of American Playwrights. Ken has had a number of solo and group exhibitions and his work is included in private and public collections. Ken teaches at the International Center of Photography