Art: Static by William Zuback
I hope it’s not true that when you grow up your heart dies. I read Faulkner’s letters to Malcolm Cowley where he admits he’s still trying to put it all, if possible, on one pinhead. I go to get my blood drained to test for hormone deficiency, or whatever it’s called when your hair thins, and Dr. Greenspan says it is true, you are shedding confirming that I am a dog. I mean, how dogs suffer quietly, the way some mothers treat their children. What are we capable of in a waiting room? On screen, Benicio del Toro’s eyebrows allow him to be a believable actor and in the movie where a pistol is pushed through his head our idea of beauty changes, and I think I mean what Derrida means when he writes the thing itself always escapes like the speed at which light travels a second behind and never there but a version. I am always undressing because maybe I’ll get to my heart and can carry it out like a radio like when Coco Chanel says before you leave the house, look in the mirror, and take one thing off.
About the author:
My name is Simona Blat. I’m a writer, artist, publisher, and teacher. I have an MFA from Columbia University where I received the Linda Corrente Fellowship. I am the founding editor of the Brazenhead Review which was conceived at Brazenhead Books, and the host of Dead Pete’s Society, a monthly poetry reading held at Pete’s Candy Store. I was born in Riga, Latvia and live in Brooklyn. My writing has appeared in The Fanzine, The Brooklyn Rail, Hello Mr, Artillery, The Scofield, Two Peach, and is forthcoming elsewhere. I’m the author of the chapbook Funeral (Pixel Press, 2018).
Art: Static by William Zuback
In the artist’s words: