Art: Cyril Larvor


For fifty cents she buys a cold can at the deli near her house. She cracks its mouth and walks to the pier. Looking at the water where many boats are gathered she lets the cold can precipitate. Men adjust their sails and empty their fishing bags. They struggle to pull the crab legs apart, gripping the black woven nets. Lured by the sweet sense of sugar, two small bees hover to the eye of the can. One follows the other, drowsy yet urgent, moving in and out of the hole. In the distance, a gull picks a fish. She takes her first sip from the can and rests it on the pier. When she swallows, the bees get lodged in her throat. A fisherman hears a splash and looks away. Standing at the edge of the waves, is a cold can of coca cola. The bubbles popping from the last swoosh. Condensation coming down the side.

About the author:
My name is Simona Blat. I’m a writer, artist, publisher, and teacher. I have an MFA from Columbia University where I received the Linda Corrente Fellowship. I am the founding editor of the Brazenhead Review which was conceived at Brazenhead Books, and the host of Dead Pete’s Society, a monthly poetry reading held at Pete’s Candy Store. I was born in Riga, Latvia and live in Brooklyn. My writing has appeared in The Fanzine, The Brooklyn Rail, Hello Mr, Artillery, The Scofield, Two Peach, and is forthcoming elsewhere. I’m the author of the chapbook Funeral (Pixel Press, 2018).
Art: Cyril Larvor, @cyrillarvor_blackbird

In the artist’s words:

My Black Bird artist name is a wink to the crow who is an animal who is often hated by his appearance as the black cat, but who is also revered by a tremendous amount of culture and seen as one of the smarter animals capable of counting and speaking. Speaking … and I have already seen it.I have always drawn, painted and photographed. I wanted to be a cartoonist in advertising or photography, but I went to study in business and computer science.For 15 years I worked in the directions of information and computer security. 2 years ago I stopped to return in my first love the art and the human. My influences are vast; I was born in the 80s in the northern suburbs of Paris where social and cultural diversity is enormous. The 80s were a huge source of artistic inspiration. In addition to contemporary art and all other movements, there was the appearance in France of graffiti, manga, hip hop, computer science and the evolution of photography and television. All this has to influence. Since my return in the art, I exhibit in the galleries. The Lavomatik, also proposes music, the book …. ART21, a gallery in Montmartre, a district which likes and others a little everywhere.My other activity is in the human and the association. I collaborate with many associations that have been used as a means of communication and income.I collaborated with associations to help orphaned children, children in difficulty, migrants and give them the means to express themselves through Mixart art. An association for the protection of the oceans Bloom.An association against skin cancerAssociations against poverty and exclusion: Emmaus, restaurant of the heart… J organizes painting workshops with children or disabled people and also grafiti classes. My inspirations are unlimited, including painting or in pictures, and I like mixing the two. My philosophical tendencies are in sharing, cohesion and construction or reconstruction away from destruction. My tips are simple. Create with your heart and share your art positively. For my art, I use all media and types of paints, but I have a preference for acrylic and aerosol: street art tools, and for digital photography and desktop publishing. To contact me, I am in the gallery Art21, otherwise by Facebook project with the origamiist ​​Manuel Belhamissi Security Check Requiredto Cyril Larvor or by mail for all personalized orders live art.