Art: Cannon Beach by igor susev

Cease, Crows

About the author:
Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah is the author of the new hybrid works, The Sun of a Solid Torus, Conductor 5, Genus for L Loci and Handlebody. His individual poems are widely published and recently appearing in Rigorous, Beautiful Cadaver Project Pittsburgh, The Meadow, Juked, North Dakota Quarterly, Cathexis Northwest Press, The Sandy River Review, Strata Magazine, Atlas Poetica, Modern Haiku, etc. He is algebraist and artist and lives in the southern part of Ghana, Spain, and Turtle Mountains, North Dakota. Yours sincerely, Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah.

Art: Cannon Beach by igor susev

In the artist's words:
My art, whether photography or painting, aims to establish an emotional connection. Over the years as I mature so does my art and my vision. When I take photographs of subjects I don't only see a person, I see a way to express feeling. I interact with my subjects on a very personal level and work to pull emotions from them utilizing a variety of techniques including laughter. In my Mix Media work— especially my Cro-Magnon series— I am aiming to connect the ancient with the modern. My more recent works are a result of my inner reflections of my emotions, and history.