Gettin’ Gone by Chris Schafale

Gettin’ Gone by Chris Schafale

Art: Portal #9 by Ken Collins GETTIN’ GONE I just got gone, but now I’m back again, though I’m in the process of gettin’ gone from gone and gettin’ on again.   I’m on a train of gettin’ gone, but someone will have me back again right when I’ll be on gone...
Juniper Night: Four Poems by Cordelia Hanemann

Juniper Night: Four Poems by Cordelia Hanemann

Art by Marie Dashkova JUNIPER NIGHT: FOUR POEMS [su_row class=””] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””] lone juniper dark itself spooked by scant light carving the barely gnarled trunk thrusting upward twisted into...
A Priest to Believe In by Vincent Barry

A Priest to Believe In by Vincent Barry

Art: Photography by Robert L. Ferrier A PRIEST TO BELIEVE IN Drip by drip by drip, gravity bags bring near the final turning, and the mind turns to sin and soul and to a priest I can believe in. . . .What’s her name? What was her name? Sister—Sister Whatshername, who...