Turning by GTimothy Gordon

Turning by GTimothy Gordon

Art: Snow by Nancy Shuler TURNING I was out of the light . . .-Brian Wilson- Already I can feel the red-veined maples pulsing into end-of-life, sun-dressed aspens rust-gold, white willow catkins, winter-wind’s first kiss passing through the blue spruce, firs, pine...
Need You to Know by Dave Murphy

Need You to Know by Dave Murphy

Art: Arts sur Place des Vosges, Paris 3 ’eme by Bore’ Ivanoff NEED YOU TO KNOW About the artist: Dave Murphy has been writing songs since the age of 12. His influences range from...
What We Do by GTimothy Gordon

What We Do by GTimothy Gordon

Art:  Occhi Stanchi by Jason Stanizzi WHAT WE DO . . .  there is no there “there.”-Gertrude Stein- The moon is Swiss-cheese sexy. Or black. Or peacock-blue ink.Peut-être pink. If you’re French. Whatever pricks your fancy.  If you have one. This October...
Don’t Mess (with a man) by Bethany Saint-Smith

Don’t Mess (with a man) by Bethany Saint-Smith

Art: Bombs by Vera Fonseka, @verafonsekaart DON’T MESS (WITH A MAN) About the author:  Bethany Saint-Smith comes to writing from a career in songwriting. The Supreme’s Susaye Greene has said, “Bethany has the instincts of an aged American blues singer....