Driver and Passenger by Jason A Feingold

Driver and Passenger by Jason A Feingold

Art: untitled by James Metelak DRIVER AND PASSENGER Michael Strahler, seventy-two years of age, backed his car out of the driveway. The car was equipped with a backup camera and an optional autonomous reverse control, but he eschewed them in favor of using the...
A Space for Incongruity by Robert Kelly

A Space for Incongruity by Robert Kelly

Art: I think it’s time by Riikka Fransila A SPACE FOR INCONGRUITY Sartuum hurdled through nothing, enshrouded by a bright but empty sea of black. He had no frame of reference by which to calculate his velocity, but he could tell that with even the slightest...
Los(t) Barrachos by Angelica Esquivel

Los(t) Barrachos by Angelica Esquivel

Art: Memories from the Multiverse: Comfortably Between by Erik Leraz LOS(T) BARRACHOS Viviana and I were smoking up when we got the call—our father was in the hospital, having been in another drunk driving accident. We sighed in unison, hoped he didn’t kill anybody,...