descent by John Sweet

descent by John Sweet

Art: Bare Trees by William Zuback     descent   fear of frozen sunlit afternoons and                                         broken glass,                                           of the truth,                  of dying too young and of    living past the...
poem for myself at 19 by John Sweet

poem for myself at 19 by John Sweet

Art: Painting Black Flags in the Cerebellum by Brett Stout       poem for myself at 19    crow gets high on asaturday afternoon, laughsat the sound of christ’s voice,taste of mary’s tears says he will give you hischildrenbut not his addictions says...
Poems by Carol Koss

Poems by Carol Koss

Art: Feux d Artifice sur Canal Saint-Martin, Paris by Boré Ivanoff       Taken at the Flood   “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in...
Wonder Time – A Meditation by E.G. Cunningham

Wonder Time – A Meditation by E.G. Cunningham

Art by E.G. Cunningham     Wonder Time – A Meditation   The Matter at Hand The scientist asks us to think of time as a loaf of bread. What he doesn’t say is how we might connect now to then—if only we would cut right down the middle. One day, long...