The Glass As Half by Steven Mayoff

The Glass As Half by Steven Mayoff

Art: Alexandra Bath by André Gonçalves, @andre_goncalves_arts THE GLASS AS HALF 1 Being alive in the moment and the moment to come. The drinking glass is a mind nourished on a facsimile of emptiness. The faucet sings one clear drip after another. The glass as half is...
The Accident: Poem by Abigail Warren

The Accident: Poem by Abigail Warren

Art: Maximilian Rau THE ACCIDENT Didn’t you see me coming? No, I didn’t. The adrenalin pumping through our  wild and open veins the body quick to take care of itself the mind left on its own. No, I didn’t see you coming, going through the light to make my turn leaving...
Swish: Haibun by Rich Youmans

Swish: Haibun by Rich Youmans

Art Credit: “Untitled” by Alfonso Barberio SWISH Projects playgound— jump shot arcing from star to star   Evening shadows steal across the low concrete buildings, the cracked-slab courtyards, over fast-food wrappers and bottle shards. He feels the air...
you cannot turn: Haibun by Rich Youmans

you cannot turn: Haibun by Rich Youmans

Art Credit: “Someone Else’s Bed” by Andre Gonçalves YOU CANNOT TURN: HAIBUN BY RICH YOUMANS   the key. it is in the ignition, and your fingers tense around its pebbled casing. but you cannot turn it; you cannot move. you have stalled at a...