ouroboros by Kulbir Saran
Art by: Cyril Larvor ouroboros vapour lulls thensmashes...
If 2020 and 2021 were in an age gap relationship by Suri Chan
Art: Untitled by Marie DashkovaAn illustrated story that...
Art Feature: Penelope Moore
Art: "crushed blueberry skins + crackling clove + cocoa +...
Poems by Sara Eddy
Photography: Dominique Thiébaut Your Six (for mhmb) My...
I Was, You Were by Bob McAfee
Art: Tree Out the Window by Christopher Woods I was, You...
ARTARIANICA by Briget Heidmous and Jessy Randall
Art: Minneapolis by Keith Moul ARTARIANICA ...
Art Feature: Ralph Maratta
Art: A Woven Hoop of Caught Dreams by Ralph Maratta...
Art Feature: Housings by Emily Rankin
Art: Invoked, Mixed Media on Canvas, 18”x24” by Emily...
Sestina by Carol Koss
Art: "Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard" by Nelly...
Abstract is seeking submissions of original work in poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction essay or memoir, in addition to multimedia submissions featuring audio or video content. Abstract will consider all styles and genres of fine art. Abstract will consider work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs with credit to first publishers. Abstract will also consider queries for appropriate academic articles, craft essays, book reviews, art/gallery reviews, music reviews, arts collaborations, and interviews with artists, musicians, photographers, poets, videographers, writers, and others.