This Is What Democracy Sounds Like by Tim Corpus

This Is What Democracy Sounds Like by Tim Corpus

Sound Of My Eyes by Alex Duensing        This Is What Democracy Sounds Like   The track “This Is What Democracy Looks Like” is off of my new album, MMXX, which is came out on September 10th. This track is about the 2020 marches for social justice and...
Emergent poem for what we was– by Alex Duensing

Emergent poem for what we was– by Alex Duensing

Art by: Alex Duensing     Emergent poem for what we was–   “L” remains for apples: lovely apples… but will you remember: longing for that train named “bliss” and watching it go by? pause a moment to think and blink if you’d like to be… still in...
grandfather by Clark Chatlain

grandfather by Clark Chatlain

grandfather for a betta fish your gaze swims out to nothing. I watch from the other side as your body shimmers cerulean behind the plastic pane of the tank, caudal and ventral waving behind you. Cortázar once took our cousin’s place in the water but I cannot see from...
So good of you by Alex Duensing

So good of you by Alex Duensing

So Good, All of You –Like the dirt around me, we love you. McBride/Thikbot   You always remind me, plurally, of music. I hear. However. Cannot express. And of. A. Beautiful sadness. Some odd error of dusk. That is. The same. To me. Like. An assistant. Of Sorts....