by JL Jacobs | Sep 17, 2018 | Short Fiction
Art: Wilson Creek 12 by John Gregory Brown THE WELL Someone always answers—even a recording. I have noticed how you deny perpetual motion. As if were not earth. Nor field around it. Yet, press the numbers. Dial the residence. Someone always answers—even a...
by JL Jacobs | Aug 24, 2018 | Poetry
Art: The Guy by Alex Duensing DNA POLLUTION IN THE TWENTY-SECOND CENTURY At Easter supper, I hacked up a storm cloud. With my smokestack throat choking Bryson sight over fish eyes on china plates, Charlie’s potato mouth proclaims he passed on his twenty-first century...
by JL Jacobs | Jul 23, 2018 | Fiction
Art: The Road by Alex Duensing THE PORTER Motherfucking cunt whore. Not tonight. Did I say that to myself or out loud? Does it matter? I’m alone during what I have come to call the Panic Hour: the purgatory that stretches from 3AM to 4AM. On any given night, if...