Like Magic by Nancy Cherry

Like Magic by Nancy Cherry

Art: Vera Fonseka, @verafonsekaart LIKE MAGIC If I want to write a villanelle, I will. Even though its formal structure interrupts itself to interject a rhyme. It’s like a practiced magic trick—you’ll need a hat, a rabbit, a little goodwill. And if I want to spill my...
In Darkness by Nancy Cherry

In Darkness by Nancy Cherry

Art: Vera Fonseka, @verafonsekaart IN DARKNESS Before moonrise, before the trail, before I begin the climb, I stop beside a dacha hovering at the shore and watch shadows cross Tomales Bay as the sun falls. Mud hens stitch paths on the water as frogs begin their litany...
Elephant Seal by Nancy Cherry

Elephant Seal by Nancy Cherry

Art: Astrid Echle, @astridechle ELEPHANT SEAL I’m a barrel in the sea. I roll in joy—tide in, tide out, I land always where I go. I lap and clap my flippers up the day and down to smooth the edges, then slow back into cold, or slip heat into the air I share....