So good of you by Alex Duensing

So good of you by Alex Duensing

So Good, All of You –Like the dirt around me, we love you. McBride/Thikbot   You always remind me, plurally, of music. I hear. However. Cannot express. And of. A. Beautiful sadness. Some odd error of dusk. That is. The same. To me. Like. An assistant. Of Sorts....
Augury for Spring by Sherre Vernon

Augury for Spring by Sherre Vernon

Augury for Spring   it’s december, and the leaves  push through the branches, insistent,    verdant. in a dream, I mistake you  for your cousin, but somehow softer—   softer is the wrong word, gentle maybe or kind. or maybe true?   my hands are...
The Well by Alex Duensing

The Well by Alex Duensing

Art: Wilson Creek 12 by John Gregory Brown THE WELL Someone always answers—even a recording.   I have noticed how you deny perpetual motion. As if were not earth. Nor field around it. Yet, press the numbers. Dial the residence. Someone always answers—even a...