by JL Jacobs | Jan 27, 2022 | Art, Article
Art: Untitled by John Gregory Brown Latinx Storytelling: Deserving of Far More Intersectionality than Brown Cartoon Characters When I was five years old, on any given day, after school you could find me plastered in front of the living room television,...
by JL Jacobs | Oct 7, 2019 | Short Fiction
So Good, All of You –Like the dirt around me, we love you. McBride/Thikbot You always remind me, plurally, of music. I hear. However. Cannot express. And of. A. Beautiful sadness. Some odd error of dusk. That is. The same. To me. Like. An assistant. Of Sorts....
by JL Jacobs | Sep 6, 2019 | Poetry
Augury for Spring it’s december, and the leaves push through the branches, insistent, verdant. in a dream, I mistake you for your cousin, but somehow softer— softer is the wrong word, gentle maybe or kind. or maybe true? my hands are...
by JL Jacobs | Sep 17, 2018 | Short Fiction
Art: Wilson Creek 12 by John Gregory Brown THE WELL Someone always answers—even a recording. I have noticed how you deny perpetual motion. As if were not earth. Nor field around it. Yet, press the numbers. Dial the residence. Someone always answers—even a...