some assembly required by Steven Mayoff

some assembly required by Steven Mayoff

Art: Surfacing by Nathan Ramer, @artwithnathan SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED is a proviso attached to blessings and revolutions alike.   between mobility and mobilization the road is scattered with thumbtacks like seeds sown out of adversity   a visitation is but...
Scenery by Steven Mayoff

Scenery by Steven Mayoff

Art: Fall by Fabrice Poussin SCENERY “When you own a big chunk of the bloody third world the babies just come with the scenery.” Chrissie Hynde – Middle of the Road   snapshots of heaven spill out of the open wallet’s unfolding plastic inserts and in each...
Leonard’s Flat by Steven Mayoff

Leonard’s Flat by Steven Mayoff

Art: Dimension by Fabrice Poussin LEONARD’S FLAT “You’ve got to accept the flat surface. Not try to pretend it’s not there.”  David Hockney   The flat like a gallery with all your artwork wall to wall, I wandered through it as if...
The Glass As Half by Steven Mayoff

The Glass As Half by Steven Mayoff

Art: Alexandra Bath by André Gonçalves, @andre_goncalves_arts THE GLASS AS HALF 1 Being alive in the moment and the moment to come. The drinking glass is a mind nourished on a facsimile of emptiness. The faucet sings one clear drip after another. The glass as half is...