Abstract Child by Richard King Perkins II

Abstract Child by Richard King Perkins II

Art: Skyfuture by Jude Hotchkiss, @judehotch ABSTRACT CHILD We mourn for the abstract child as if she is possibly our own, wanting to go to her where she lives weightlessly in a monastery of trees calming her fever and uncertainty. Clouds furrow the brow of her sky,...
Woodland Pond by Richard King Perkins II

Woodland Pond by Richard King Perkins II

Art: Excursion by D.M. Davis, @dmdavisart WOODLAND POND Stray ebb of night swirls black water from her in a meager grove of orange-leafed trees. She studies the bracken and reeds, looks past the embankment to figures standing in the distance; the man in the straw hat...
A Mystic Vine by Richard King Perkins II

A Mystic Vine by Richard King Perkins II

Art: The Sculpture by Denny E. Marshall A MYSTIC VINE Fools fall in love because there is no other way to go about it. All the bending and twisting and angling that must occur is a fool’s errand at best. In a decade or two they will each wonder who was the greater...