Art: Ferrandis Issaev, @ferrandisissaev


not happiness, not the petal,
not the wing

not the breeze that teases the flesh,
carries the little leaf –
but the rock you stand on

the thick rope ladder, the sturdy wooden boat,
the weathered beam, the dock –

heft and density, thicker than darkness
more pull, older, farther – past
all of us

past even water

About the author:

Alison Prine‘s debut collection of poems, Steel, was chosen for the Cider Press Review Book Award and came out in 2016. Steel was a finalist for the 2017 Vermont Book Award. Her poems have appeared in The Virginia Quarterly Review, Shenandoah, Harvard Review,  Hunger Mountain, and Prairie Schooner among others. She lives in Burlington, Vermont and works as a psychotherapist.

Art: Ferrandis Issaev@ferrandisissaev

In the artist’s words:

Born on April 6, 1964 in Spain. Design Studies & Architecture.

Designer, stylist, and developer of textile signatures in the casual wear and fashion for the Spanish national market. Collaborator of recognized international firms such as Jean Paul Gautier (JPG) and MARITHÉ + FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD.

3D Architectural Designer with proficiency in several software programs. Awards and international recognition. (Lumion 3D) 2014.

At present, exploring aesthetics, texture, and expressiveness of the three universes in pictorial expression format.  This is the real measure of all subjects. The most important in the technical development of any discipline. The beginning and the end of any inspiration.
