Art: Cyril Larvor, @cyrillarvor


About the Artists:

mybluesweden is a collaboration between three musicians from Minneapolis/St Paul Minnesota. Although we perform different roles (one of our members is part time) everything is done by us: writing, arranging, engineering producing and all recording performances. Each of us has a connection to Sweden by blood or birth or both. All of our work is done under joint credit. This is a side-project for everyone concerned, which is not to say we don’t take it seriously. Two of our members are full time professional musicians, one is not.

Art: Cyril Larvor, @cyrillarvor, Paris, France

In the artist’s words:

Cyril Larvor, artist name ‘Black bird BLB’, is a self-taught French street artist from Paris. He has always drawn from a very young age. He paints on the walls, customized items such as vinyls, leather jackets, computer components, bags, and motorcycle helmets, always looking for new techniques and other support. He exhibited in several galleries including Lavo Matik, an urban gallery of Paris, and proposes concepts including the origami custom with the artist MAN BLUE, origamist of genius.