Art:  My Nuclear Paris by Adam De Ville


When you peered

through sun-stained dust

through a window

across an alley

through another’s glass

into someone-else’s smallness


when you stared

into —— what

when you turned

towards ——

climbed to

where – always


the world was a game-board

where you were not

a pawn


when you jumped

what shade (were you)


Carol Davis Koss  (started 12/27/10 – completed? 1/2/11)

*In 2009, GOOGLE tested 41 shades of blue for its tool-bar.

About the author:
By birth a New Yorker, Carol Davis Koss has lived in Oklahoma City for over forty years. She has taught English, Creative Writing, and Remedial Reading from middle school through college, in venues that range from wealthy suburbs to the South Bronx; from churches to prisons.  She is the author of Chapter and Verse (1997), Camera Obscura (2001 Oklahoma Book Award finalist), and Painted Full of Tongues (2002). Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications including Best Minds, Best of MAP (Map of Austin Poetry), Bomb: A Collection of Poetry by Oklahoma Poets, Long Islander Newspaper: Walt’s Corner, Poems for the New Decade, Broomweed, Nimrod,  Art Focus Oklahoma, Cross Timbers, and Elegant Rage: A Poetic Tribute to Woody Guthrie. A graduate of the City College of New York, she has a Master’s in English from Purdue University, and has done post master’s work at Teachers College (Columbia University) and the University of Oklahoma.  She currently serves on IAO’s poetry committee and coordinates the Full Circle Bookstore poetry committee.
Art:  My Nuclear Paris by Adam De Ville
In the artist’s words:
My work explores the themes of displacement and belonging, character and scene, using mixed media. I explore and subvert traditional storytelling narratives of start, middle, end and set up, conflict, resolve. I like the viewer create their own journey with the work. 

My background includes drama: acting, devising and writing, which is currently fuelling my artwork. 

I have been a professional artist for three years, having sold across the UK and internationally, and showing at Store Street Gallery London, Lilford Gallery Canterbury, Flux international exhibition, Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Parallax fair London.