Algae on Turning Water by Leni Paquet-Morante




Broken and can’t be fixed—
like chronically late:
— Stuck in-a-traffic jam …you may say.
— Just one more before we leave,
— A roadie, as they say.
And since one’s never enough,
when is enough enough?
Always room for just a small one,
Neat … a double! While you’re there.
It’s the burn chasing the fire that kills the flame.


Entire days slip past in a psychedelic haze—
Hours appear frozen—
Time suspended, mentholated—

Life itself a narcotic.




About the author:

Timothy Resau’s Prose & Poetry have recently appeared in Abstract Magazine TV, Superpresent, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Poet, The Decadent Review, Green Ink Poetry, Red Wolf Editions, e.ratio, The Sparrow’s Trombone, Better than Starbucks, Fictional Café, Poetry Quarterly, BlazeVOX, Ephemeral Elegies, The Metaworker, KGB Bar Literary Journal, among others, and is forthcoming in Origami Press, Soul-Lit, and Poetica. Find him at


In the artist’s words:

Leni Paquet-Morante (1962) is a New Jersey based painter of contemporary landscapes. With a BFA from Mason Gross School of Art, her work since the mid 1980’s has conveyed an abstraction of light and form, and focused on bodies of water and the forces and forms that define and alter them. Her work suggests metaphors for the human experience, especially regarding privacy and safety. She is listed in the Woman Artists of America National Directory, New Jersey Artists Directory, and is registered with the Canada Arts Council.
