by JL Jacobs | Mar 21, 2018 | Fiction
Art: Moon by Mary Hanrahan IN THE BLUE HOUSE Inside the blue house, our house, everything is blue: the furniture, walls, and the general mood. We drink beer once in a blue moon and it is indeed Blue Moon. Even our humor is blue. We listen to old comedy records by Redd...
by JL Jacobs | Feb 16, 2018 | Short Fiction
Art: Las Memorias que me Habitan by Marta Bonjour @martabonjour NON-BREED Monday night was the first time stepping into the pool hurt me. There was a swimming class beside me, swim caps like moonlit skulls in the clouds outside. A beautiful, indifferent lifeguard...
by JL Jacobs | Feb 7, 2018 | Short Fiction
Art: IKEA Painting 6 by Alan Neider, @aneider52 THE LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE she calls it. A yellow as yellow as any Dutch daffodil. She steers her tan Audi Fox up the driveway and pauses in her car until her favorite Cat Stevens song ends. Yellow has been her favorite...
by JL Jacobs | Feb 5, 2018 | Short Fiction
Art: Beyond the Plains of Eternity by Jolanda Richter, @jolandarichter THE ILLUSTRATED QUEENFISHER Headmistress Nielsen ripped the offending page from the book, then held it close to the girl’s face. Rather than flinching, the intended reaction, Pia grabbed the page...
by JL Jacobs | Jan 8, 2018 | Short Fiction
Art: Karen Hill, @karenhill_images WASTE MANAGEMENT This morning I went for a trash run, which is to say that I took out the trash. The night was long, but I was in full control of my faculties, and when morning arrived I came to a decision: throw it out. It wasn’t a...
by JL Jacobs | Dec 13, 2017 | Short Fiction
Art: Hanna Weitz, @hannaweitz FRIDAY BLIZZARD Weir’s Pumps, that’s where uncle Willie got me a start after I left Adelphi Junior Seccy.; aged fourteen, apprenticed as a fitter. Our tenement looked across the Cart, straight into the works. The foreman and Willie were...