by JL Jacobs | Jul 24, 2017 | Fiction, Goncalves
Art: André Gonçalves, @andre_goncalves_arts GENETICS Your eyes are big and round like your father’s but while his are the color of the Irish Sea yours are the color of the muddy fields on my father’s land fit only for the peasants who worked them. ...
by JL Jacobs | Jul 24, 2017 | Fiction
Art: Baptiste Charruyer, @wild_fangs_photos RUNNING WITH THE YAKS My friend is going blind. He’s known this for most of his life. It’s genetic and can’t be corrected. His father went blind the same way. Gradually the periphery disappears and you’re squinting at...
by JL Jacobs | Jul 24, 2017 | Fiction
Art: “Fevereiro” by Vera Fonseka HOW I KEEP DON QUIXOTE ALIVE Christmas safely behind me, I sat out on the patio of my apartment at the Quinta de Valverde and drank a cup of coffee – no sugar, no milk – preparing myself to survive another year. It was a...
by JL Jacobs | Jul 24, 2017 | Fiction
Art: Susanne Knapp DEAR NANCY DREW It’s me. Your newest author. I’m here to tell you it’s time. To come out. Of the closet you’ve spent decades in. It must be getting old. How long is Girl George willing to wait? Or is Bess the one? Whatever. Anything is...
by JL Jacobs | Jul 24, 2017 | Fiction, Goncalves
Art: “Alexandrina Mask” by André Gonçalves A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY AS SEEN THROUGH MY EYES Tolstoy wept while listening to the andante cantabile of Tchaikovsky’s first string quartet. I, on the other hand, wondered what kind of hair...
by JL Jacobs | Jun 22, 2017 | Short Fiction
Art: “Exodus, Untitled Transparency SN1” by Olivier Fonteau RAG-DOLLS All day long, we sit on the crumbling wall of the cemetery. Our feet, clad in mud-crusted Mary Janes, dangle inches above the wild grass. There is silence . . . a blanket of...