Poems by Mervyn Seivwright

Poems by Mervyn Seivwright

Veil between Lives by Eric Chamberlain            Before the Fall   Falls fed by rivers, arteries to the earth,have a way of coupling countries, collecting cultures of people weaving space.The Schloss Laufen am Rheinfall placement, purple-fluorescent...
A Bolt is not a Screw by Jake Zawlacki

A Bolt is not a Screw by Jake Zawlacki

Art: Thrallment of Reincarnation by Eric Chamberlain     A Bolt is not a Screw   It’s a bolt. Its threads are coarse or fine, the little ridges wide | | | | or narrow |||| depending on how tight youwant to be bound with me. They hold things together through...
Millie and Me by Mark Mulholland

Millie and Me by Mark Mulholland

Millie and Me   Two girls bounce a ball as I watch through the two panes. A bicycle lies beside a circle of tarmac where a playground roundabout once spun. A boy climbs a steel frame and a woman carries a plastic bag across the courtyard. Above them, an old man...