Waste Management by Daniel Uncapher

Waste Management by Daniel Uncapher

Art: Karen Hill, @karenhill_images WASTE MANAGEMENT This morning I went for a trash run, which is to say that I took out the trash. The night was long, but I was in full control of my faculties, and when morning arrived I came to a decision: throw it out. It wasn’t a...
Friday Blizzard by Don Taylor

Friday Blizzard by Don Taylor

Art: Hanna Weitz, @hannaweitz FRIDAY BLIZZARD Weir’s Pumps, that’s where uncle Willie got me a start after I left Adelphi Junior Seccy.; aged fourteen, apprenticed as a fitter. Our tenement looked across the Cart, straight into the works. The foreman and Willie were...
Synesthesia by Heidi Turner

Synesthesia by Heidi Turner

Art: Michael Marrella, @mikemarrella SYNESTHESIA Sex, drugs, and Rock-and- Roll are all the same. Modest Mouse was playing when I passed Simeon the blunt, a perfect little burrito of a universe. Before the hit, little rainbows danced around the edge of my vision,...
Mr. Singh by Don Taylor

Mr. Singh by Don Taylor

Art: Lavien Darja, @lavien_darja MR. SINGH It was 10 o’clock on a hot Tuesday morning in August. Jake jumped the fence at the back of the house, swung a kick at an empty Buckfast bottle beside the sand pit, and ran across the park to the Spar. Inside the shop, Mr...
The Beast by Don Taylor

The Beast by Don Taylor

Art: Vera Fonseka, @verafonsekaart THE BEAST Sometimes you lie on your bed and remember. You remember the time uncle Josh came back from Canada and brought you the air pistol. He had to smuggle it in through customs. It was just like the ones you saw advertised on the...
Home by Bleriana Myftiu

Home by Bleriana Myftiu

Art: Altar by Jieun Beth Kim, @jieunbeth HOME 1 One summer night in Tirana, on the balcony on the second floor, I lay on my back feeling the cool breeze and listening to the croaking of frogs from the artificial lake, a strange lullaby. I found myself wondering about...