Ant Gel by James Croal Jackson

Ant Gel by James Croal Jackson

Art: Pravin Patil, @pravinpatilphotography ANT GEL Fill the cracks so the ants can’t infest. This is the poison applied for feeding: urine-yellow icky glue sealing lips to take home to another body. Sometimes words stick where I open my mouth– the crevice between us...
Stripper by Vi Khi Nao

Stripper by Vi Khi Nao

Art: Photograph by William Zuback, @williamzubackphotographs STRIPPER Three men in the midst of a biblical dual. Let us be clear about what is happening: The one in the center, famous for his tongue, is trying to pantomime the message that anything holy does not need...
Where the Wild Things Were by Carol Davis Koss

Where the Wild Things Were by Carol Davis Koss

Art: Silver Lining by Andrew Flint Shipman WHERE THE WILD THINGS WERE I have mislaid shadows misplaced their sullen corners I have lost light swallowed dark’s debris Midnight’s razor fells dawn stricken in one rasp Nothing is still All – turned to stone...
Abstract Child by Richard King Perkins II

Abstract Child by Richard King Perkins II

Art: Skyfuture by Jude Hotchkiss, @judehotch ABSTRACT CHILD We mourn for the abstract child as if she is possibly our own, wanting to go to her where she lives weightlessly in a monastery of trees calming her fever and uncertainty. Clouds furrow the brow of her sky,...
Woodland Pond by Richard King Perkins II

Woodland Pond by Richard King Perkins II

Art: Excursion by D.M. Davis, @dmdavisart WOODLAND POND Stray ebb of night swirls black water from her in a meager grove of orange-leafed trees. She studies the bracken and reeds, looks past the embankment to figures standing in the distance; the man in the straw hat...
A Mystic Vine by Richard King Perkins II

A Mystic Vine by Richard King Perkins II

Art: The Sculpture by Denny E. Marshall A MYSTIC VINE Fools fall in love because there is no other way to go about it. All the bending and twisting and angling that must occur is a fool’s errand at best. In a decade or two they will each wonder who was the greater...