Poems by Keith Mark Gaboury

Poems by Keith Mark Gaboury

Art by Peter Bethanis   Head Growth   My head popped off as I brushed my teeth. “You brush too hard. I’m rolling away to find agentler owner,” my head barked up from my bathroom floor. After I walked into three street poles, I stumbled bloody into work where...


Tangent II by Catherine Eaton Skinner     STEREO TIMELINE   There will never be anything like that new stereo. Well, maybe a first child. No, not even that. It arrived when I was in the fourth grade, a turntable, amplifier, two speakers. We only owned...
A Salsa in Spring by Anushree Prashant

A Salsa in Spring by Anushree Prashant

Tree Out the Window by Christopher Woods     A Salsa in Spring   A dark road bendsand weaves insidean avenue canopied.Dead branches hangparodies of green.Leaves and barksquelch underfootabove a mat of slick wet tar. Snowflakes latticethe red brick...
Poems by Andrew Lafleche

Poems by Andrew Lafleche

Art by Cyril Larvor   Sister   Okay, I whisper, baby Sister,don’t open your eyes.Keep dreaming,snug the drawstrings tight.Throats and binding,uppers and quarters lining,dream. This is your time. Lights bowed to your presence,audience aghast.Stumble across the...
Created Live During an Auction by Thomas Osatchoff

Created Live During an Auction by Thomas Osatchoff

Uber Selects by William A. Brown     CREATED LIVE DURING AN AUCTION              Art is about to subsume the Federal Reserve.           Art is the new way of printing money.We’re going to paint over it and include it                         in pieces on the...
Chasing Claire de Lune by Yash Seyedbagheri

Chasing Claire de Lune by Yash Seyedbagheri

Waterproof Skateboard Slippers by Andrew Abbott     Chasing Claire de Lune   Nick is forty and tries to capture the moon. Nightly, he reaches to the sky, but she darts betweenshimmering silver clouds. She drifts with ease. Teases.             After...