Poems by Gary Mesick

Poems by Gary Mesick

Monterosso by Charles Bryne     Cape Alava   Your feet sink progressively deeper into the sandAs the sun climbs and the weight of your backpackSlows your stride to a plodding shuffle. It was firm and wet when you set out, as the tideReceded from the...
Poems by Sherre Vernon

Poems by Sherre Vernon

Challenging the Medium by Marguerite Ogden     Self-Portrait If I Were Stumbling   & if I climb behind you—way back, behindthe chair, between                                       the sky & the bluegreen fabric me back there, where I am apple   ...
Poems by Bill Hollands

Poems by Bill Hollands

Frontier by Nicholas Kriefall     Mostly False Statements from My Imaginary Biography   A voracious reader, by ten he had devoured the great works of Hugo, Zola, and Flaubert in French, so he turned to the Russians. At eleven he despaired of literature...
Poems by Laura Sweeney

Poems by Laura Sweeney

Photography by Nikolas Karathanasis     SWINDLED & BEWILDERED Lincoln Way Storage, Unit #286, June 2018) Gone: The mantel clock stepfather carved for each of my siblings. A hippo collection hand-paintedby my nephew in stripes and polka dots inspired by...