Dry Dock by DS Levy

Dry Dock by DS Levy

DRY DOCK Luciano sits at the bar—he always sits at the bar—watching over his crew like a ship’s captain. The bartender, Ian, has already placed a glass of Chianti at his right hand. Tonight, from his wheelhouse, Luciano sips his red wine as he watches the cooks in the...
Cracked by Sam Norman

Cracked by Sam Norman

CRACKED Dawn over Coventry Lake. Canada Geese, visions of silence, float in a small window of open water.   In my mind I step out onto the ice, trying to match their quiet stoicism.   Instead I break through, and begin to sink. The thermocline, shockingly...
Bride of Christ by Gale Acuff

Bride of Christ by Gale Acuff

Bride of Christ Nobody lives forever. Miss Hooker said so and she’s my Sunday School teacher so there it is, I guess–the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. But, she says, I have one chance to live forever even though...
While Driving by Jennifer Coates

While Driving by Jennifer Coates

While Driving In a flash that comes to you on this very gray day as you drive to pick up your daughter, whom you love more than anything on this earth, you sense in your marrow with a thud —that any moment, you could lose those you love, those who give your life...