Art and Poetry by Alex Duensing
Art: Nude descending a staircase into the mӕmory of the...
The Horn by Dan Leicht
Light & Shadow by Jimmy McHugh The Horn By Dan...
Topo and Tectonics: A Sonnet by Joseph Johnson
Untitled by John Gregory Brown TOPO...
Weather Report by John F. Buckley
WEATHER REPORT Life in a fogbank isn’t so wrong. Picture...
Dream Blue by Joan McNerney
Art: What We Don't See by Jimmy McHugh ...
Poems by Gloria g. Murray
Bioluminescence by Alex & Christy Ramirez ...
Poems by Louis Gallo
IDENTITY The entire past up...
Dear Mr. Whitman by Jared Berberabe
DEAR MR. WHITMAN Dear Mr. Whitman, I write to you now as...
Limbo by Marysa Eve
"Excavations expanded no 02" by Detlef Gotzens ...
Abstract is seeking submissions of original work in poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction essay or memoir, in addition to multimedia submissions featuring audio or video content. Abstract will consider all styles and genres of fine art. Abstract will consider work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs with credit to first publishers. Abstract will also consider queries for appropriate academic articles, craft essays, book reviews, art/gallery reviews, music reviews, arts collaborations, and interviews with artists, musicians, photographers, poets, videographers, writers, and others.