Party Girl by mybluesweden

Party Girl by mybluesweden

Art Credit: Marie Dashkova PARTY GIRL BY MYBLUESWEDEN “We chose this song because we feel it best fits the vibe for abstractmagtv: gorgeous and unexpected. That’s what we are going for, too. This song intentionally has an unconventional structure and swings.”...
First Visit to Canyon Country: Haibun by Ray Rasmussen

First Visit to Canyon Country: Haibun by Ray Rasmussen

Art Credit: Martha Winterhalter FIRST VISIT TO CANYON COUNTRY BY RAY RASMUSSEN Friends, who on occasion join my outdoor adventures, suggest I should slow down, be in, not just move through a place. They complain that I hike too fast to enjoy the landscapes we passing...
Unsaddled: Haibun by Ray Rasmussen

Unsaddled: Haibun by Ray Rasmussen

Art Credit: “You are what you think you are” by Matheus Formiga UNSADDLED BY RAY RASMUSSEN Breakfast without a newspaper is a horse without a saddle. —Edward R. Murrow   I am six months into my experiment of not reading the daily newspaper. Instead I...
Two Weeks Later… By Barry Basden

Two Weeks Later… By Barry Basden

TWO WEEKS LATER HE FLEW OFF TO AFGHANISTAN AGAIN It’s New Year’s Eve. Mark’s lying across the bed, not moving. “This is too hard,” he says. Poor baby. I love him and try to be a good wife. Johnny and Megan love him more than their real...