by JL Jacobs | Apr 12, 2017 | Music
Art Credit: Marie Dashkova PARTY GIRL BY MYBLUESWEDEN “We chose this song because we feel it best fits the vibe for abstractmagtv: gorgeous and unexpected. That’s what we are going for, too. This song intentionally has an unconventional structure and swings.”...
by JL Jacobs | Apr 12, 2017 | Fiction
Art Credit: Martha Winterhalter FIRST VISIT TO CANYON COUNTRY BY RAY RASMUSSEN Friends, who on occasion join my outdoor adventures, suggest I should slow down, be in, not just move through a place. They complain that I hike too fast to enjoy the landscapes we passing...
by JL Jacobs | Apr 12, 2017 | Poetry and Article
FLASH FICTION: BRIEF AND (LIKELY) NECESSARY LITERATURE Alfred Polgar, a noted Viennese intellectual and master of the short form, makes a good case for the rising popularity and even necessity of modern-day flash fiction when he said during his own lifetime...
by JL Jacobs | Apr 12, 2017 | Fiction
Art Credit: “You are what you think you are” by Matheus Formiga UNSADDLED BY RAY RASMUSSEN Breakfast without a newspaper is a horse without a saddle. —Edward R. Murrow I am six months into my experiment of not reading the daily newspaper. Instead I...
by JL Jacobs | Apr 6, 2017 | Fiction
TWO WEEKS LATER HE FLEW OFF TO AFGHANISTAN AGAIN It’s New Year’s Eve. Mark’s lying across the bed, not moving. “This is too hard,” he says. Poor baby. I love him and try to be a good wife. Johnny and Megan love him more than their real...