no thing: Haibun by Jim Kacian

no thing: Haibun by Jim Kacian

Art Credit: “Kyrgyz Flock” by James Metelak Haibun by Jim Kacian no thing   is what it seems, all words are slightly wrong . . . a freeble silted stream melandering by the farm might be Borges’ unnamed river of croglodytes and immortunity . . ....
Simplicity and Honesty: The Work of Matt LaPierre

Simplicity and Honesty: The Work of Matt LaPierre

How do you get the person, place or thing that is in front of the camera onto the film in just the way you want? With models I do not like to give too much instruction. I think if the model is experienced, or if I have worked with her before, she will find the pose...
Fiction of the Week: “Remembrance Day”

Fiction of the Week: “Remembrance Day”

About the Author: W<J>P Newnham hitchhiked around Australia working as barman, bum and waiter; slaughter hand, deckhand and master, spending 25 years working in the Northern Prawn Fishery. He has travelled extensively in southeast Asia, the Americas and Japan...