The Man Inside by Mir-Yashar

The Man Inside by Mir-Yashar

Art: Life Strains by John Hansen   The Man Inside At Christmas, Nick dresses as Santa. He likes pretending to grant wishes. They give him somesemblance of decency. He looks dignified, not like the thirty-year old drunk, son of a runawayfather, a mother who buried...
The Walk by Chloe Ortiz

The Walk by Chloe Ortiz

Art: Abstract Feelings by KJ Williams   This piece of flash fiction is part of a collection of short stories and poems in which the narrator is the principal caretaker of her younger sister while struggling with her own mental health issues.     The...
Eurydice Emerges into the Light by Margaret Bauer

Eurydice Emerges into the Light by Margaret Bauer

Art: Jane Desonier Eurydice Emerges into the Light so for your arrogance and your ruthlessness I am swept back—H.D., “Eurydice”           I can relate to the poet H.D.’s interpretation of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. I have (more than once) fallen in love with...
Love By Distraction by Norbert Kovacs

Love By Distraction by Norbert Kovacs

Art: Cryil Larvor     LOVE BY DISTRACTION by Norbert Kovacs   The man likes the other woman as much as he does his wife. He smiles over it when he buys his lover flowers as a surprise. He sets the bouquet in a vase in her apartment before they go make...
Kakku by Karen Frederick

Kakku by Karen Frederick

Art: Out of the Blue Boy by Gabriel Embeha   Kakku “Get to Shore” We floated lifeless among pieces of our lives. Sky and sea were black. The wind had died down a bit, the current curled ‘round our waists and pushed us further and further into the unknown. By morning...