by JL Jacobs | Feb 28, 2023 | Art, Photography, Poetry
Art: Bare Trees by William Zuback descent fear of frozen sunlit afternoons and broken glass, of the truth, of dying too young and of living past the...
by JL Jacobs | Oct 12, 2022 | Nature, Photography
by JL Jacobs | Aug 25, 2022 | Photography, Poetry
Art: Not Just a Mannequin by Jimmy Mc Hugh Verily Today in Sunday School I learned I’ve gotto die one day, I guess I always knewit but Miss Hooker really brought it homewhen she said that if I don’t get saved Igo to Hell to burn...
by JL Jacobs | Aug 25, 2021 | Art, Photography
Art by: Thomas Gillaspy & Marcene Gandolfo (Un)Related Tales of my Lost World Issue of my Womb Took him down to the river, bathed him twice, scrubbed his little feet with a piece of soft wool that soaked up the water and then released it at my...
by JL Jacobs | Aug 4, 2021 | Art Feature, Photography
Art: Fragments of a Walk by Howard Selina This is the third work (from the on-going series of twelve), each consisting of 12 images with words. The images are of the ground ‘walked upon’, rather than the landscape ‘walked...
by JL Jacobs | Jul 29, 2021 | Art Feature, Nature, Photography
Scandinavia #9, 2015 AbstractMagazineTV is honored to feature the works of Takashi Homma, as exhibited at the Nonaka-Hill Gallery in Los Angeles, California. Thirty-three photographs ran from June 5th to July 17th, 2021, and was the first Los Angeles solo...