Art Feature: George Elsasser

Art Feature: George Elsasser

  AMERICAN PSYCHE: THE UNLIT CAVE by George Elsasser, Daylight Books   The Big Despite the ideals Whitman portrayed with stunning perfection in his poem “America,” the “great experiment” of America is increasingly faced with unraveling. Without a critical...
Rose Salt: Photo-essay by Mark Zelayaran

Rose Salt: Photo-essay by Mark Zelayaran

ROSE SALT: PHOTO-ESSAY About the artist: My name is Mark Zelayaran. I am 26 years old and currently hold two bachelor degrees of arts in Philosophy and History from the University of California, Irvine. I have written one book so far and currently working on a...
Hummingbirds by Jeremy Gregersen

Hummingbirds by Jeremy Gregersen

Art: Photography by Marie Dashkova Hummingbirds I remember reading recently of how hummingbirds only suckle from lilac and lavender blooms for their fuel, their nectarous urge merely the gruel a weary, calloused farmhand might sock away, mopping a soaked and furrowed...