Mother, I said by Gregory McGreevy

Mother, I said by Gregory McGreevy

Mother, I said Mother, I said, I’m a one note character my fibers are inchoate I have but a single, primitive dimension, and it’s in arrest nothing is cultivated but the loss of the familiar the essence of things that have since died under the march of...
Strawberry by Gale Acuff

Strawberry by Gale Acuff

Strawberry I wish I was dead so I could go to Heaven because at Sunday School they say that Jesus died for my sins, and I sin, but when I die I’ll live forever and I can’t do that here, on Earth I mean, so my only choice for life is death so if I can live...
Rooster and Hog Crossing by Scott Beard

Rooster and Hog Crossing by Scott Beard

Rooster and Hog Crossing The squall blew sideways screaming in from Hollow Point, Hawaii.  The undulating waves slammed along the coffee cliffs of igneous rock jig-sawing along the sandy beach.  The jet-engine surf churned and the west wind ironed the water into...
Dry Dock by DS Levy

Dry Dock by DS Levy

DRY DOCK Luciano sits at the bar—he always sits at the bar—watching over his crew like a ship’s captain. The bartender, Ian, has already placed a glass of Chianti at his right hand. Tonight, from his wheelhouse, Luciano sips his red wine as he watches the cooks in the...
Cracked by Sam Norman

Cracked by Sam Norman

CRACKED Dawn over Coventry Lake. Canada Geese, visions of silence, float in a small window of open water.   In my mind I step out onto the ice, trying to match their quiet stoicism.   Instead I break through, and begin to sink. The thermocline, shockingly...