Poems by Louis Gallo

Poems by Louis Gallo

A Delicate Balance by Bette Ridgeway       The Revenance of Reverence   1It abandons you, leaves you parched and dried-outon the desert floor . . .returns in dribs & drabs,passing epiphanies—the adagio of that mourning doveon your lawn, the...
Poems by Gary Mesick

Poems by Gary Mesick

Monterosso by Charles Bryne     Cape Alava   Your feet sink progressively deeper into the sandAs the sun climbs and the weight of your backpackSlows your stride to a plodding shuffle. It was firm and wet when you set out, as the tideReceded from the...
Poems by Sherre Vernon

Poems by Sherre Vernon

Challenging the Medium by Marguerite Ogden     Self-Portrait If I Were Stumbling   & if I climb behind you—way back, behindthe chair, between                                       the sky & the bluegreen fabric me back there, where I am apple   ...